Florida Volunteers Fined For Feeding The Homeless.

After an eventful afternoon in Manatee Park, Chico and Debbie Jimenez were banned for life and given a $746 citation by the Daytona Beach Police Department. Despite what their punishment might suggest, the Jimenezes were not destroying public property or hosting an out-of-control BBQ. They were feeding the homeless. Daytona Beach has an ordinance that bars people from serving food in public, the Jimenezes and other volunteers from their Spreading the Word Without Saying a Word Ministry outreach group were fined, leaving many of the homeless who had lined up for their free meal hungry. As you can see in the video below, the Jimenezes refuse to let the fines keep them from helping the less fortunate. (via ThinkProgress) People shouldn’t be fined for just helping others. Share this post using the button below. Read more: http://viralnova.com/florida-volunteers-fined-for-feeding-homeless/