My Z News

These People Were Freaked Out By A Tiny Dog Disguised As A Giant Spider.

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Spiders are scary, we all know that. So what would you do if you were walking outside one dark night, and a dog-sized spider came running right at you? You’d freak out, that’s what! That’s exactly what the people in this Polish prank video did when confronted by what looked like the biggest spider ever, but in reality was just the nicest, and fluffiest spider ever. (Source: SA Wardega) Now where can I get a costume like that for my dog? And don’t tell me to just hollow out a giant spider! Here below is a picture of the lead actress, Chica the DogSpider, in her adorable costume. She also has a Facebook page so give her a like, or else she’ll haunt you down at night. Read more:


A Star Wars Fan (And Father) Decided To Wake Up His Son In The Most Epic Way

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Rob Lopez is a huge Star Wars fan. So, naturally, his son Sebastian is, as well. (And he loves Darth Vader.) One of the joys parents get to experience is having fun with their children. That’s why Rob and his wife (but mainly Rob) decided to see how their son would react if Darth Vader woke him up in the morning. Likelihood of traumatizing their son: ~15% YouTube But, I don’t know what’s better…this dad’s costume, or how his son reacted! Thankfully, their son proved that the Force is indeed with him (and Darth Vader is whipped). Read more:


She Was On Medication After Oral Surgery, So Her Brothers Decided To Prank Her

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Most people know that the first few hours after surgery are usually a little…well…foggy. After all, waking up from anaesthesia and taking pain pills for a few days thereafter is enough to make anyone loopy. And that’s why these two brothers decided to play a prank on their sister who had just gotten her wisdom teeth removed. Listen to what they talked her into believing on the car ride home. Ah, siblings. They’re as evil as they are hilarious. As far as pranks go, this one is pretty impressive. They even talked Mom into playing along! Better luck next time, Millicent. Read more: