My Z News

Unlock The Key To Opening A Padlock Like The Pros, With These 5 Easy Tips!

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); We keep our most precious valuables under lock and key, but they may not be as safe and secure as you might think… Although we try to keep others out with security measures such as padlocks, sometimes we end up doing a better job than anticipated and lock ourselves out of our own stuff. And of course, when we need our keys, they are nowhere to be found. Never fear, because where there’s a will, there’s a way! Let ViralNova be your locksmith with these five easy tricks to unlock a padlock without a key or combination. I’ll have to start carrying a toolbox with me at all times. Read more:


This Is Why Your ‘Locked’ Luggage Isn’t As Safe As You Think

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When traveling, it’s best not to keep valuable items in a locked suitcase. Your passport, credit cards, cash, and other important items should stay on your person (or at least close by). Some people believe that locking them in a suitcase is a safe alternative…but it isn’t. Even if you have a strong lock, the suitcase can be breached with relative ease. Your locked suitcase isn’t as safe as you think. Yet another example of how quickly a zip breach can occur: Expensive new luggage and gear may offer safer alternatives…but it’s best to not take anything for granted (especially if you’re traveling overseas). Traveler beware! Read more: