My Z News

When This Dog Sees Something On The Wall, He Has A Hilarious Reaction (LOL!)

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When it comes to new things, our pups generally have one of two reactions: bark at it or run away. My dog definitely falls under the latter category, tucking her tail and hotfooting it out of there, but this brave bulldog stands his ground and decides to defend his dad’s bed. “Away with you, evil shadow pup(pet)!” Not every dog is scared of shadows, though… And at least he didn’t try to attack the wall like these cats…bulldog for the win! Read more:


This Homeless Dog Was Scared And Starving When They Rescued Him

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For Amos the cocker spaniel, life was rough. He had been living on the streets of Los Angeles for who knows how long, starving and afraid of anyone who tried to approach him. But luckily for him, help wasn’t far. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); }); When a homeowner called Hope For Paws and told volunteers that there had been a homeless dog living under the house next door for the last month, they drove there immediately and found him. Terrified, he refused to come any closer — but all they needed was a tasty cheeseburger and they were able to get him on the path to a better life. He is such a sweetheart at the end! Here’s hoping that Amos finds a home filled with love and endless belly rubs. If you’d like to help this wonderful organization save more lives, you can donate here. Read more: