My Z News

These Kids Didn’t Know What To Think When They Were Approached By Police…

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); Above all, cops are paid to protect and serve…but if you were to ask the officers at the Dixon Police Department in Illinois, they’d probably say the job is about more than that. Helping the community, solving crimes, these duties are just part of the work…but no one said they had to take time out of their busy and sometimes dangerous days to do this. Recently, these neighborhood kids were battling the summer heat by playing with water guns in their yard when all of the sudden, officers from the Dixon PD attacked them — with more water guns! This is so cute. It’s so nice to see videos of cops having fun just like the rest of us. Let’s all use our phones and cameras to capture more moments like this. Read more:


This Man Had The Biggest Surprise For A Kind Cashier Down On Her Luck.

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Daniel Fernandez noticed that Debi, a friendly cashier at his local convenience store, was constantly working double shifts. Despite her long hours, Debi always had the biggest smile on her face and an attitude that brightened Daniel’s day. Since Debi was always kind to Daniel, he decided he wanted to do something nice for her. He wanted to show her how much he appreciated her uplifting attitude and kindness. Watch what he did for her in the video below, but bring tissues…you’ll need them! (Source: Daniel Fernandez) They say there is more happiness in giving than receiving, and I think Daniel just proved that. The smile on Debi’s face was priceless. Read more: