My Z News

This Young Girl’s Tightrope-Walking Skills Will Leave You Baffled And In Awe

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When you were a kid, you were probably busy playing tag or hide-and-seek in your backyard after school. Once you were all pooped out, maybe you went inside to have a nice snack of milk and cookies (if your parents were “cool”) or perhaps some fresh veggies. Learning a very specialized skill to perform in the streets with your family was probably nowhere in the realm of your imagination. But this six-year-old girl in India has perfected the craft of tightrope walking in order to perform with her father. It’s hard to imagine the time and dedication that went into learning how to be this awesome at something so difficult. Just watch for yourself: What? Why? Rumble / jamesseadie How in the…? Rumble / jamesseadie This is amazing! I bet climbing that first three-foot-tall tree when you were seven is feeling a little less impressive right now, huh? It’s okay, you’re probably good at other things…you just won’t ever be able to walk a tightrope like this amazing little girl! Read more:


This Teenage Contortionist Is About To Make Your Back Hurt…That’s INSANE

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The day I learned how to do a backbend was the day I felt like I’d just conquered the world. I mean is there anywhere to go from there? Nope. But apparently, I couldn’t have been more wrong. And I didn’t even know it until today, when I met 14-year-old contortionist Sofie Dossi. Typically, contortionists freak me out a little. I mean, surely this is NOT safe. But watching Dossi do her routine, it’s hard not to fall in love with her. She’s absolutely adorable! Don’t get me wrong, though, this still totally gives me the willies. Read more: