My Z News

I Love Car Gymnastics

Human gymnastics takes years of practice, exercise, and training to master. Car gymnastics, on the other hand, are way easier. They just take a rollbar, front wheel brakes, and a little speed. See for yourself in this wonderful video of one industrious car owner’s somersault ready driving machine. We have to tell you not to try this at home, so you know it’s going to be fun.  Read more:


6 Photographers Find 6 Different Ways To Shoot The Same Man

The art of photography is more than just aiming the camera and snapping a picture. The great photographers capture mood and truth in a way that words sometimes can’t. But what goes into creating the essence of a single photo? As part of an experiment by Canon, six photographers were brought in to take a portrait of the same man. What they didn’t know is that each photographer would be told a different backstory. How would the preconceived notions of their subject change the final product? The answer is surprising and displays a lot about the effect of preconceptions on the way we view others. Read more:


Biologists Studying Coral Accidentally Discover A Rare ‘Glowing’ Turtle

A team of marine biologists from National Geographic recently set off to the Solomon Islands to research the coral reefs there. Instead, what they found was a discovery that has lit up the scientific community, no pun intended of course. Lead researcher David Gruber noticed what he called a “UFO” swimming in the water late one night. The UFO turned out to be something Gruber and his team could have never imagined, a biofluorescent sea turtle.  The turtle turned out to be a hawksbill sea turtle, an extremely endangered species. The newly discovered turtle is the first case of biofluorescence found in reptiles. This opens the door for a new way of looking at the phenomenon of bioluminescence. Gruber and his team hope to raise awareness for the endangered species and keep the small population alive. Read more:


Redneck Parking Sensor

Parking sensors are a gift from the heavens for some drivers. They allow you to parallel park without worrying about misjudging distances and accidentally damaging your vehicle or, worse, someone else’s. Of course, they can be expensive, leaving them out of reach of most drivers who need them, like teenagers. Thankfully there’s a simple solution waiting for you at fine retailers and dollars stores near you.  Read more:


Ever Wonder How Cranes Are Built?

Like a phoenix rising from its own ashes, this crane creates itself as it rises into the sky. If you’ve ever seen a huge crane and wondered how that possibly could have been made, this peek into the process will reveal how it’s done. The crane adds height by pulling up segments from the ground and attaching it to its own lift.  The intricate process is coordinated by the brave souls standing on the edge of the structure hundreds of feet above the ground. They maneuver the part into the perfect position that make sure everything is firmly in place. Whatever they are getting paid it’s not enough. Read more:


Norwegian Bodybuilders Have Found The Secret To Looking Big

What do you do when you’re a bodybuilder who wants to look bigger than you currently do? You could work out and wait, or, as this group of Norwegian bodybuilders did, you could just visit a tiny town. Thankfully the Lilleputthammer adventure park in Hafjell Hunderfossen features a miniature copy of the town’s main street. The micro-town is designed to look the same as it was in 1930 and was built to a scale of 1:4. At that size, the houses are accessible mostly to children, so when these staggering athletes wander in it looks like an invading army of giants. They’re not here to cause any trouble; these titans just want to look a little bit bigger. Here’s to their silly day at the park. There’s only one downside: they didn’t film a putt-putt game.  App users: To view this video with subtitles please visit: Read more:


When Problems Pile Up Baby Steps Can Set You Free

Chris Gardner has built a successful life for himself as a motivational speaker, entrepreneur, investor and stockbroker, but things weren’t always so easy. The author of The Pursuit of Happyness, named after the misspelled daycare his son attended during his worst years, has experienced brutal homelessness and poverty. His story of building an empire from nothing became a best-selling book and a film starring Will Smith.  In this interview, Gardner talks about the secret he learned from a minister friend that inspired him during his journey from nothing to prosperity. When problems pile up and hope seems gone, don’t tackle everything at once. Baby steps might seem small, but they add up over time to take you down the path to success. Enjoy.   Read more:


The Top 40 Barbershop Medley

Barbershop quartets aren’t exactly known for their pop culture savvy. They tend to sing songs from what are known as “the good old days,” which usually just means old songs. One quartet, known as Main Street, is well aware of this problem, but they have a solution. What songs will we consider to be from “the good old days” in the future? The top 40 hits of the last few years of course.  Sit back and enjoy this humorous reimagining of the barbershop quartet style that pays loving tribute to the genre while pushing it out of the old familiar songbooks of yore. How many hit songs can you recognize? Let us know in the comments below.  Read more:


India Loves ‘Sweet Child Of Mine’

Part of the fun of a rock concert is joining a massive crowd that loves a band in a sing-along of your favorite songs, but most of us have never experienced a sing-along like this. During a recent Slash and the Conspirators concert in Mumbai, thousands of fans joined forces for the loudest sing-along you’ve ever heard. Conspirators vocalist Myles Kennedy is almost entirely drowned out by the overwhelming force of this audience’s joyful singing. Fans might not get a second chance at seeing the original Guns and Roses live again, but that doesn’t matter to the crowd in this video. They all got their moment as Slash’s vocalist, and they sing at the top of their lungs until it’s over.  Read more:


Children’s Choir Reimagines Florence And The Machine With Gorgeous Results

There’s something about the pure sound of children singing that adds a hopeful context to even the darkest of pop songs. Florence and the Machine’s “Shake It Out” is a song of hope, but it’s about the hope that comes from fighting through the darkness of sadness and bad times. In the hands of the Capital Children’s Choir — London, England’s premiere children’s choir — the song takes on a new soul. It’s no wonder the Capital Children’s Choir has become massively popular since their formation in 2001. The group has pulled in millions of views on YouTube thanks to covers just like this one. If you need a little hope in your day, we hope this helps you “Shake It Out.” Read more: