My Z News

A Man Rang This Little Girl’s Doorbell And Asked To Marry Her, But Wait Until You See The End

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How old is old enough to get married? In Mali, West Africa, child marriage is an epidemic. As many as 82 girls under the age of 15 are married every day. The Danish organization BØRNEfonden, also known as the Children & Youth Foundation, works to raise awareness and funds for those in danger of child marriage. To date, they’ve sponsored 14,000 children in Mali, providing them with education, healthcare, and developmental opportunities. Recently, they wanted to see how parents in Denmark would react to a 30-year-old asking to marry their 13-year-old daughter. The idea was that if they thought about their own child being married, they would be inspired to support the organization in its quest to help young girls. Watch as a 30-year-old actor asks several fathers for permission to marry their 13-year-old daughters. It’s safe to say that these families will never think about child marriage the same way again. Read More: Child Marriage Seems Like A Foreign Idea, But It Happens Right Here In The U.S. This video makes me cringe, but it sends an important message that everyone should hear. To learn more about BØRNEfonden or donate to their cause, click here. Read more:


They Were Out On A Romantic Swim When This Terror Decided To Join The Party

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot(‘/37886402/VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’, [728, 90], ‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_581bf4c06fce4’).addService(googletag.pubads()) googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_MB”, “VN_”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_SC”, “VN_ORGN”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_TS”, “TS_D”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_AT”, “VN_ORGN_PG_D_REV_1.0_ASYNC_DEFAULT”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_CC”, “VN_ORGN_D_UNK_118352_A”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_PG”, “1”); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_581bf4c06fce4’); }); As a little girl, I was irrationally afraid of sharks or crocodiles showing up in swimming pools and biting my feet off. Because of my extreme fear, let’s just say I’ve been more than a little paranoid when it comes to any body of water. Unfortunately, the following footage really doesn’t do much to help me get past this phobia. When a couple was having a private swim in Kariba, Zimbabwe, one nasty visitor headed straight into the pool and proceeded to attack them. I’d probably never get in a pool again if I were her. Read More: These Tourists Found A Cow Carcass Out In The Ocean…And Saw A Shark Devour It It’s a good thing that swimming pools have already been ruined for me, because that’s just terrifying. On a lighter note, something tells me that guy is going to be in the doghouse for quite a while. Read more: