My Z News

Chill Out With This Soothing Voyage Across Antarctica

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It may feel like summer in many cities across the U.S. today, but a cruise through the southernmost place on Earth is never out of season. Chill out with this beautiful timelapse footage through Antarctica’s Ross Sea. Happy Friday, folks. BONUS: Travel the World With These 10 Time Lapse Videos 10 Time-Lapse Videos From Around the World 1. Lake Tahoe This shot of Lake Tahoe by user tlapse is a beautiful capture of Sierra Nevada. 2. Vancouver City This time-lapse of Vancouver City is a collaboration between Innerlife Project and TimeLapseHD. 3. New York City Shot by Mindrelic, this captures some of the best spots across New York City. 4. Ko Olina Beach A day on the beaches of Hawaii, shot by tonnes, sounds pretty good right about now. 5. Edinburgh This was jgolian’s first shot at time-lapse photography, and we think his capture of Scotland’s capital is pretty great. 6. Panama Canal From the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean, this time-lapse journey by radiofreebc rides through the Panama Canal onboard a cruise ship. 7. Crater Lake In the span of a day, user Dan Heller captured a stunning view of Crater Lake, including a crescent moon, the Milky Way and Jupiter. 8. Moscow Next on the list is Moscow, Russia’s capital, captured by user 22zweizwei. 9. Antarctica YouTube user Antzarctica spent a year creating this time-lapse of Artarctica, in and around the McMurdo Station and Scott Base. 10. Las Vegas This time-lapse, shot by user Asianjma123, captures 2 nights and 3 days in sin city. Read more:


If You Think It’s Cold Where You Live, You Need To Get A Little Perspective

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This weekend, many parts of the U.S. were slammed with record low temperatures for this time of year. What followed the cold plunge was the typical moaning and groaning on social media. While I’m not saying people shouldn’t have the right to complain about the weather, what I want to call for is a little perspective. For example, at least the weather wasn’t an Antarctic “condition one.” A condition one is called when wind speed is over 62 miles per hour, visibility is less than 98 feet, and windchill is below −99 °F. During a condition one, outside travel is not permitted. Curious about what a condition one looks like? Here you go… (via WILX) Just imagine getting caught outside in those conditions. There’s no possible way a human would make it back to safety in one piece. So remember, the next time you’re complaining about the cold, at least it’s not a condition one. Read more: