My Z News

This Man Spent Hours Outside Tromping In The Snow For The Best Reason Ever

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I don’t know who Kristy is, but she’s a very lucky woman. Why? Well, her husband knows just how lucky he is for getting to spend his life with her. When it came time for her 51st birthday, he refused to buy her a card to commemorate all their years together. He says, “Every year with Kristy is like a gift…no card from a store could put that into words.” So he made one. Watch and listen to his heartfelt tribute below! He has so many beautiful things to say about her, and on top of that, the snowy surprise? This man deserves a husband of the year award! Read more:


This Is How To Defog Your Windows In Record Time, According To Science

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Driving in the winter is incredibly difficult. The roads are sometimes icy and snowy, your heater doesn’t churn out hot air as fast as you’d like, and of course, you windows get foggy making it hard to see. Well if you don’t want to deal with that last one, here’s the quickest way to get your windows cleared up plus the scientific explanation behind it. (via Gizmodo) Now you’ll never be stuck squinting to see out the windshield again. We can all live and drive in peace…for the most part. Didn’t really cure the icy roads or anything, but it’s a start! Read more:


If You Think It’s Cold Where You Live, You Need To Get A Little Perspective

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This weekend, many parts of the U.S. were slammed with record low temperatures for this time of year. What followed the cold plunge was the typical moaning and groaning on social media. While I’m not saying people shouldn’t have the right to complain about the weather, what I want to call for is a little perspective. For example, at least the weather wasn’t an Antarctic “condition one.” A condition one is called when wind speed is over 62 miles per hour, visibility is less than 98 feet, and windchill is below −99 °F. During a condition one, outside travel is not permitted. Curious about what a condition one looks like? Here you go… (via WILX) Just imagine getting caught outside in those conditions. There’s no possible way a human would make it back to safety in one piece. So remember, the next time you’re complaining about the cold, at least it’s not a condition one. Read more: