My Z News

This Video Of The Embalming Process Is Equal Parts Disturbing And Fascinating

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While being a mortician is an unsettling profession, you rarely hear morticians talk about their work and not say that they love it. Take, for example, this woman in the video below. She’s a mortician by the name of Yolanda Milligan, and she really does love her job. Her speciality is embalming. In the clip below, Milligan explains the embalming process and lets us know what she thinks about it. It’s both morbid and intriguing. (source: Benson Family Funeral Home of Chicago) Even though I have my issues with the death industry, I certainly see the beauty in what Milligan and other people like her do for a living. I wonder if she’s still embalming today. Read more:


Her Mom Passed Away More Than 2 Decades Ago, But She Just Received Letters From Her

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot(‘/37886402/VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’, [728, 90], ‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_581168f291861’).addService(googletag.pubads()) googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_MB”, “VN_”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_SC”, “VN_ORGN”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_TS”, “TS_D”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_AT”, “VN_ORGN_PG_D_REV_1.0_ASYNC_DEFAULT”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_CC”, “VN_ORGN_D_UNK_118244_A”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_PG”, “1”); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_581168f291861’); }); Over 20 years ago, Amanda Lemmond lost her mother to bone cancer. The 10-year-old was placed in foster care with nothing more than a stuffed Easter bunny to remember her by. Lemmond thought her past had been forgotten. Then, a strange box arrived on the porch of her Colorado home. Inside were photos, her birth certificate, and, most incredibly, letters her mom had written just weeks before she died. While moving, the executor of her mother’s estate found the keepsakes and forwarded them along. Watch as she finally reads one of the letters her mother wrote her over two decades ago. Lemmond told NBC News: “After my mom passed away, I was shipped all over the country. From Washington States to Texas, to Louisiana, to Texas, back to Washington, back to Texas — in and out of state care — foster care. These are a glimpse into my past that I’ve sorely longed for, for over two decades now.” Read More: Airman’s ‘Engagement Game’ Turns Out To Be A Huge Surprise From His Fiancée The letters might be 23 years late, but every word still means so much. Now I have to go call my mom. Read more:


12 Times That David Bowie Touched Our Lives — And Changed Music Forever

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David Bowie, after battling cancer for 18 months, has passed away. According to a statement posted on his social media accounts, he “died peacefully, surrounded by his family.” Bowie’s final album, Blackstar, was released only days ago on January 8th, his 69th birthday. He was an incredible artist who challenged society’s notions of rock with his glam rock, punk, and electronica hits. Getty Images / Larry Busacca Archive During his 40-year career, he pushed boundaries, changed lives, and served as an inspiration for countless people both young and old. These are just a few of the songs and moments in which he seemed to change everything — and they’re ones we will always remember. 1. Space Oddity 2. Changes 3. Heroes 4. Ziggy Stardust 5. Dance Magic (as the Goblin King from Labyrinth) 6. Ashes to Ashes 7. Dancing In The Street 8. Modern Love 9. The Man Who Sold The World var OX_ads = OX_ads || []; OX_ads.push({ slot_id: “537251604_569b0bf1a0f2f”, auid: “537251604” }); 10. Rebel, Rebel 11. Golden Years 12. Blackstar (the titular song from his most recent and final album) Illustrator Helen Green drew a picture of David Bowie every year on his birthday…resulting in this simply spectacular animated .gif that she posted to her tumblr. Helen Green / If you’d like to order prints of these incredible illustrations, please visit Helen Green’s website. “I don’t know where I’m going from here but I promise it won’t be boring.” -David Bowie (1947-2016) Getty Images Read more:


He Died While Diving, And His Camera Was Running The Entire Time

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On the coast of the Red Sea lies one of the world’s most infamous scuba locations, and it’s known locally as the Blue Hole. The Blue Hole is an underwater sinkhole that goes down about 96 meters (or 314 feet). It’s a popular spot for free diving, but it’s also earned a reputation as one of the most dangerous locations in the world. Despite regulation by authorities, about two divers per year are defeated by the sinkhole. The most famous death at the hole happened when diving instructor Yuri Lipski got lost back in 2000. Lipski foolishly decided to dive to the bottom of the hole on his own. Wikipedia He managed to reach a depth of 304 feet. However, at this depth, nitrogen narcosis began to impact his mental state, causing him to become disoriented. Wikipedia Once he realized that he would not be able to escape, Lipski removed his oxygen mask and quickly perished. Wikipedia When a diver was sent to retrieve Lipski’s body, they discovered that he had brought a video camera down with him. The camera attached to his helmet ended up recording the entire ordeal — including the moment of his death. The video below is not for the faint of heart. (via Reddit) That poor guy. I can’t even imagine how horrible his final moments must have been. Let this be a reminder to bring a buddy with you when you’re doing anything risky, no matter how skilled you are. Read more:


Colleagues Quickly Realized That The Speech Given By This Writer Would Be His Last

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While giving a speech to the press in Thrissur back in 2007, Indian writer and academic M. N. Vijayan — also known as Vijayan Mash — suddenly stopped talking and made a chilling face. It was a look that unfortunately signaled the end of his life. The publicly recorded death of Vijayan is surrounded by controversy to this day, since friends blame Professor Sukumar Azhikode for bringing him to the conference even though he knew that the writer was having heart troubles. Below are the final moments of Vijayan Mash’s life. Following his collapse, Vijayan was taken to a hospital in Thrissur. Oddly enough, the hospital they chose to transport him to was far from the location of the conference, leading to further suspicion of foul play. Read more:


This Car Was Sinking In The Middle Of A River When A Passerby Became A Hero

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Amsterdam’s waterways attract thousands of tourists to the city every year, but for one mother and child, these attractions almost proved to be deadly. The woman’s car somehow ended up in one of the canals, and if they didn’t get help quickly, she and her child would surely have suffered. Lucky for them, one man didn’t hesitate to step up and save the day. After he jumped into the canal, a few more men followed. Check out the daring rescue mission in the video below. When things go wrong, it gives people an opportunity to show their true colors. This situation further proves that ordinary people can be heroes. Read more: