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He Was Born Without Fingers, But That Didn’t Stop Him From Becoming A Pianist

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Alexey Romanov was born with a debilitating illness that left him without fingers or hands. But that hasn’t stopped him from pursuing his dreams. In the most unlikely fashion, Romanov has become a successful pianist and serves as an inspiration to everyone suffering from a disability. His adoptive parents noticed he had a fondness for music early on, so they bought him a synthesizer. He began to learn how to play it and then started entering (and even winning) competitions. After learning the basics of music from friends, Romanov has soared to new heights and even performed with the highly respected Russian orchestra, La Primavera chamber orchestra. See his skills up-close here: (via The Guardian) Let Alexey Romanov be an inspiration not only to those with disabilities, but to all of us. Even when facing overwhelming adversity, you can overcome it and become hugely successful if you put your mind and heart to it. Read more: