My Z News

See Facebook’s First Ad Campaign

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Facebook is celebrating hitting the 1 billion monthly user mark with the company’s first ad campaign. The social network hired ad agency Wieden + Kennedy — best known for its Nike work — to create the 90-second film above. The ad compares Facebook to chairs, bridges, basketball and other vehicles that bring people together. “What we’re trying to articulate is that we as humans exist to connect, and we at Facebook to facilitate and enable that process,” Rebecca Van Dyck, Facebook’s head of consumer marketing, told Advertising Age. “We make the tools and services that allow people to feel human, get together, open up. Even if it’s a small gesture, or a grand notion — we wanted to express that huge range of connectivity and how we interact with each other.” In a blog post, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg added, “For the first time in our history, we’ve made a brand video to express what our place is on this earth. We believe that the need to open up and connect is what makes us human. It’s what brings us together. It’s what brings meaning to our lives.” The ad campaign will roll out in 13 countries, including the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, Russia and Spain. There is no mention in the film of Facebook having hit the 1 billion mark. What do you think? Does this make you think of Facebook any differently? Let us know in the comments. Read more:


Facebook Is Also Like Toilet Paper and Heroin

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Less than a week after Facebook‘s big announcement about hitting 1 billion users, all anyone can remember are the chairs. Facebook celebrated hitting the milestone with its first ad campaign, an inspired effort that compared the social network to chairs. The Internet’s response has been swift. Mashable has tried its hand at lampooning the ad and the Tumblr Are Like Facebook has had some fun comparing Facebook to bananas and boxes, among other things. This latest parody takes things a bit further into NSFW territory as well as bizarro territory. (“The universe is a big place full of things that have names. And people you can connect with. People that have a hook for a hand…”) Is it funny? We’ll let you decide. Sound off in the comments. What Facebook Is Like Bananas Via Are Like Facebook Boxes Via Are Like Facebook Chair Via Are Like Facebook Dumpsters Via Are Like Facebook Empty Chairs Via Are Like Facebook Free Throws Via Are Like Facebook Muffins Via Are Like Facebook Pelicans Via Are Like Facebook Pillows Via Are Like Facebook Politicians Via Are Like Facebook Rappers Via Are Like Facebook Sad Kittens Via Are Like Facebook Sad-Kittens-fb-600 Via Are Like Facebook Read more:


Summer Olympics Spot Shows Off Kids, Salutes Moms

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Kids are amazing, tough and inspirational right? In another emotive spot for the London 2012 Olympic Games, Procter & Gamble show us what children are capable of. At the end of the newly-launched film called “Kids,” you’ll want to get up, clap and cheer for these young Olympians. The video is gaining speed on YouTube with 416,000+ views in just two days. The “Best Job” film, a part of P&G’s social “Thank You, Mom” campaign, has received more than 5 million views since mid-April and has been shared around the world. Thursday marks the opening of the Olympic Village where 17,000 athletes are expected to reside during the games. The Opening Ceremonies of the Summer Olympics will start on July 27. Have you been moved by the P&G commercials? Tell us in the comments below. Read more:


Bonobos ‘Golden Girls’ Parody Fetes Facebook Milestone

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What do you do when you’re an up-and-coming brand and you hit 100,000 “Likes” on Facebook? If you’re Bonobos, you evoke The Golden Girls to great comic effect. The people at the online menswear retailer appear to have had a good time mimicking the opening of the classic ’80s show’s tune “Thank You for Being a Friend” (get it?), though they acknowledge that there’s no substitute for Estelle Getty. Bonobos is the latest brand to celebrate a Facebook milestone with a musical tribute, following recent efforts from AT&T and Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Is this the cheesiest yet though? Let us know in the comments. Read more:


How to Watch the Facebook Phone Event Online

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Facebook is holding a highly-anticipated press event at its headquarters to reveal its “new home on Android.” Could we see a new Facebook-centric smartphone? If the rumors are any indication, definitely. The company will be livestreaming the announcement from its Menlo Park, Calif. office, and you can watch at Facebook Live, starting at 1:00 p.m. ET/10:00 a.m. PT. The Mashable team will also be on site, and we’ll be live blogging the event as the news unfolds. Follow along here. Rumors and leaks have been swirling about the Internet for awhile, pointing mostly to a concept of a HTC-built smartphone called Facebook First. Although it would have all the makings of a midrange smartphone — such as a 4.3-inch 720p display, a dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 and so on — the software would be the star of the show (if, that is, the rumors are true). It’s possible we could see a Facebook operating system, powered by Android, with a news feed at the top of the lock screen. Other features would run throughout the platform. A recent FCC filing indicates the device would run on AT&T. The product announcement comes just months after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said a smartphone has “always been the wrong strategy” for the company. What do you think Facebook will announce? Would you buy a Facebook phone? Let us know in the comments below. Image via iStockphoto, Franckreporter Read more:


Verizon Creates Rube Goldberg Machine To Celebrate Facebook Milestone

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Verizon Wireless just passed 3 million fans on Facebook, beating out competitors like AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile to that milestone. To celebrate, Verizon has released a special video thanking its fans that features a Rube Goldberg machine. For those who don’t know, a Rube Goldberg machine is one that uses an unnecessarily complicated series of steps to accomplish a very simple task. In this particular video, the end goal is to switch on a tablet that displays a thank you message to the company’s fans. In recent months, we’ve seen several brands come up with clever ways to celebrate reaching Facebook fan milestones. Bonobos released a video parody of The Golden Girls when it reached 100,000 fans on Facebook and The Walking Dead put out an awesome poster when it reached 100,000 fans. Read more: