My Z News

This Spunky Rescued Chihuahua Throws A Mean Left Hook — And Is Just Too Cute

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To prove that size doesn’t matter, this adorable chihuahua named McFly loves to box. He’s always ready to throw down. After being born with a defect in his right leg, this cutie was surrendered to The Mia Foundation, so he really knows how to roll with the punches. You can even watch him practice with his trainer! You’ll instantly fall in love with this scrappy little guy. McFly is one tough cookie. Make sure he has all the care he’ll ever need by donating to The Mia Foundation today! Read more:


They Introduced Their Dog To A Balloon…This Was His Hilarious Reaction

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I imagine dogs feel the same way about balloons as people do about clowns… Some love them…others are 100 percent terrified of ’em. I mean there’s this guy who loves popping water balloons. And this guy who wants to wipe the smile right off that balloon’s face. When this big husky came across a cat balloon that traipsed around on the ground, at first, he was ready to get into a knock-down, drag-out brawl. YouTube / wavrec As time passed, though, it seems he just wanted to be friends… YouTube / wavrec But when he got no love in return, he became skeptical — and a little frustrated. YouTube / wavrec Watch the whole hilarious exchange here. Read more:


You Can Stop Rubbing This Fierce Puppy When HE SAYS YOU CAN STOP

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For this adorable pooch named Pupper, there’s only one rule in his house — you don’t stop rubbing his belly until he tells you to stop. Apparently, though, his humans didn’t get the memo, because they like to test his patience every so often with hilarious results. See for yourself, and prepare to laugh. Just be warned: if you’re ever in Pupper’s house, you have to play by Pupper’s rules! As the Hulk says, “You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry!” Judging by this video, we’re betting Pupper would certainly say the same thing. (Though we bet he’d still be ridiculously cute!) Read more:


This May Be The Funniest Game Of Hide-And-Seek Ever…Just Wait For It!

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When this adorable pup is challenged to a game of hide-and-seek by his little human friends, he jumps into action. Unfortunately, his success is short-lived after finding them due to their hiding spot deciding to hang around for his victory lap. It’s honestly like watching a cartoon character, but this pup is 100% real and 100% really hilarious. I have a feeling this isn’t the first time they’ve tricked the cutie into this hilarious predicament. And definitely not the last! Read more:


When This Dog Sees Something On The Wall, He Has A Hilarious Reaction (LOL!)

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When it comes to new things, our pups generally have one of two reactions: bark at it or run away. My dog definitely falls under the latter category, tucking her tail and hotfooting it out of there, but this brave bulldog stands his ground and decides to defend his dad’s bed. “Away with you, evil shadow pup(pet)!” Not every dog is scared of shadows, though… And at least he didn’t try to attack the wall like these cats…bulldog for the win! Read more:


When ‘You Raise Me Up’ Comes On In This Car, This Bulldog Just Has To Sing Along!

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It turns out that you and I aren’t the only ones who love belting out our favorite tunes as we drive down the highway. Whenever this adorable bulldog hears “You Raise Me Up” playing in the car, he just can’t help but sing right alongside Josh Groban. His human friends do a good job…but this pup has the performance down pat! That bulldog is going to be a star. He’s adorable, has a great howl, and is great with fans — the perfect combo to become a star! Now, to just get Josh Groban on board with his new backup singer… Read more:


This Might Look Like A Normal Wedding Photo, But Wait Until You See Who Took It

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Everyone who has ever helped plan a wedding knows how many exhausting hours go into ensuring that the day goes off without a hitch. The amount of people who have to be hired months in advance — like caterers, florists, tailors, and planners — is staggering. One of the most important decisions that every couple has to make centers around picking the perfect photographer. But Addie and Marshall Burnette decided to avoid that issue completely. That’s because they had a less conventional photographer at their disposal…and she happened to be of the four-legged variety. YouTube / Marshall Burnette This adorable pair decided to strap a GoPro to their Siberian husky, Ryder. She captured their entire wedding day. YouTube / Marshall Burnette Ryder filmed every special moment from a completely unique perspective, bringing the occasion and its beautiful backdrop to life. YouTube / Marshall Burnette It took Addie and Marshall hours to pore over Ryder’s footage, but the end result is absolutely stunning. Check out the beautiful video in its entirety below: What a great way to incorporate their favorite pup into their wedding day! How cute is it that her little ears show up in every frame? When it comes to unique touches, this couple’s wedding takes the tiered cake. Read more:


What Happens When This Pup Gets Excited Is Honestly Too Cute For Words

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It’s probably safe to say that we all have a pretty good grasp on what makes our four-legged friends happy. And that’s because they make no secret of their enthusiasm when it’s time to eat or go for a long walk on a sunny day! The language barrier poses a problem, though. I mean, how much do we really know about what thrills our pets? That’s where the folks at Nikon come in. By strapping a Coolpix L31 camera to a precious pup by the name of Grizzler, they created a little window into the canine soul. This technology responds to elevations in heart rate and snaps photos whenever Grizzler starts getting excited, allowing us to get a taste of the little wonders that make his day. Called “Heartography,” this process captures photos from a dog’s-eye view whenever Grizzler gets pumped. Here’s a little sampling of what he loves! Beautiful scenery? I feel you, man. YouTube / Nikon Asia Who doesn’t love finding treasure? YouTube / Nikon Asia Making friends is always a blast! YouTube / Nikon Asia And it’s so much better when those newfound friendships are totally unexpected. YouTube / Nikon Asia Mushrooms? I mean, whatever floats your boat, Grizz. YouTube / Nikon Asia If you want to follow this adorable guy around for the day, check out more of his adventures below! That’s so cool. What would your dog’s photos look like if you turned them into a photographer for the day? I’m pretty sure my pup’s collection would be very food-centric. Read more: