My Z News

Watching This Powerful Laser Clean Rust In Seconds Is Absolutely Mesmerizing

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There are few tasks more infuriating than trying to remove rust from just about anything. That’s exactly why this laser is pretty much the best tool I’ve ever seen. This amazing device is called the P-Laser QF-1000. Like its much larger counterparts, the 1,000-watt handheld tool is meant for industrial applications, like preparing metal for robotic welding or removing residue from manufacturing molds. However, it also does an excellent job when it comes to making rust disappear right before your very eyes. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); }); Just watch this mesmerizing video of the laser in action. I could stare at this all day, honestly. But if you’re thinking about getting one of these for yourself, know that it’ll cost you a cool $50,000. I’ll pass. Read more:


What Happens When This Pup Gets Excited Is Honestly Too Cute For Words

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It’s probably safe to say that we all have a pretty good grasp on what makes our four-legged friends happy. And that’s because they make no secret of their enthusiasm when it’s time to eat or go for a long walk on a sunny day! The language barrier poses a problem, though. I mean, how much do we really know about what thrills our pets? That’s where the folks at Nikon come in. By strapping a Coolpix L31 camera to a precious pup by the name of Grizzler, they created a little window into the canine soul. This technology responds to elevations in heart rate and snaps photos whenever Grizzler starts getting excited, allowing us to get a taste of the little wonders that make his day. Called “Heartography,” this process captures photos from a dog’s-eye view whenever Grizzler gets pumped. Here’s a little sampling of what he loves! Beautiful scenery? I feel you, man. YouTube / Nikon Asia Who doesn’t love finding treasure? YouTube / Nikon Asia Making friends is always a blast! YouTube / Nikon Asia And it’s so much better when those newfound friendships are totally unexpected. YouTube / Nikon Asia Mushrooms? I mean, whatever floats your boat, Grizz. YouTube / Nikon Asia If you want to follow this adorable guy around for the day, check out more of his adventures below! That’s so cool. What would your dog’s photos look like if you turned them into a photographer for the day? I’m pretty sure my pup’s collection would be very food-centric. Read more: