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Watch the Famous NYC Pride March From Around the World

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You don’t have to travel to New York City this weekend to experience the NYC Pride March. On Sunday, June 29, the city streets will welcome the march, and Mashable has your front-row seats. We’ll be providing coverage, commentary and interviews live from the march route. Tune in right here on Mashable or via the livestream on the Mashable YouTube page beginning Sunday at 12:30 p.m. ET for interviews with Orange Is The New Black‘s Laverne Cox, Frozen‘s Jonathan Groff, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s Rea Carey and Kinky Boots‘ Natalie Joy Johnson, among many others attending the march. Influencers and advocacy groups around the world will also join the event remotely through the power of Google+ Hangouts on Air to share their inspiring stories and efforts. The month of June commemorates the Stonewall riots, which took place in New York City in June 1969. Now 45 years later, Pride Month is often observed and celebrated across the U.S. through LGBT Pride marches. To follow the march through social media, keep up with all the action with the #PrideCast hashtag. BONUS: 5 LGBT Influencers Share Their Proudest Moments Read more: