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SERIOUSLY Giant Alligator Ambles Across A Golf Course…Is This Even Real Life?

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If there’s one place you don’t want to run across a giant, 15-foot alligator, it’s on a beautiful golf course in sunny Florida. Sadly (or awesomely, depending on your feelings about alligators), that’s exactly what happened at Buffalo Creek Golf Course in Palmetto, Florida, yesterday afternoon. Golfer Charles Helms and a friend were enjoying a beautiful day out on the green when the massive reptile made a chilling appearance. Helms was so shocked by the creature’s size that he was convinced that it had to be a prank of some sort. And when you see this footage, you probably won’t believe your eyes either. (via The Guardian) Apparently, this massive gator is seen fairly regularly around Buffalo Creek. One employee even refers to it as the unofficial mascot of the golf course! Read more: