My Z News

Every Day, This Mexican Father Walks His Kids Across The Border To Go To School

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Getting ready for a new school year can be a challenge for most parents, but while many think getting up at 7 a.m. to see your kids off to the bus is rough, it’s nothing compared to what this father does. Jose Luis Dominguez is determined to give his two kids — seven-year-old Luis and eight-year-old Kayla — the best possible chance at a good education, something he never had the opportunity to get. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); }); The three live in Mexico but through sheer determination Dominguez managed to get his two kids enrolled in a school in South Texas, just across the street from the restaurant he works at. Every morning and afternoon, the trio make the trek across the Hidalgo International Bridge, over the Rio Grande, to and from home. The 32-year-old says life is ugly across the border, with kids frequently being abducted by drug cartels. He feels a lot safer knowing his little ones are in school in the U.S. while he’s at work. Talk about going the extra mile for your kids. For Dominguez, a quality education away from drug violence is reason enough to wake up every morning and hike across an international border in the hopes it will get his children walking on a better path. Read more:


Man Builds A House For A Homeless Woman After He Sees Her Sleeping In The Street

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One man is taking on homelessness by tapping into the tiny-house craze that’s sweeping the nation right now. It all started after Los Angeles resident Elvis Summers noticed a 60-year-old woman in his neighborhood sleeping in the dirt a few doors down from where he lived. Feeling like it was his duty as a fellow human to try and do something to help the poor woman, he decided to build a tiny home for her out of recycled materials. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); }); It took Summers five days to build the home, which comes complete with a window and sturdy wheels to move it between different locations. These materials, including the wheels and two locks for the front door, cost him about $500. His words say it all: “Nobody should be homeless, especially in one of the richest countries in the world.” Feeling inspired by what he’d managed to do in such a short time, Summers founded My Tiny House Project LA. He’s already built over 30 tiny houses for homeless people across the city. Read more: