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These Poor Trick-Or-Treaters Got Quite A Scare On Halloween

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Halloween is an exciting time for little kids. I mean, it’s the one day each year when taking candy from strangers is a good idea. It also allows these precious kiddos to dress up as their favorite monsters, superheroes, and cartoon characters. What’s not to love? But it’s not all fun and games for little trick-or-treaters. Sometimes, they encounter quite a few bumps in the road on their quest to get candy from every house in the neighborhood. Source: Trick or treat mishaps by vidibona on Rumble As bad as it is to watch kids suffer, you have to admit that they’re pretty funny when they’re scared. These situations — no matter how scary — are never enough to deter them from filling up their buckets with sweet treats, though. You have to admire them for that. Read more: