My Z News

10 Rescued Puppies Get Treated To A Wonderful Thanksgiving Meal Of Their Very Own

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These 10 puppies were rescued right before Thanksgiving…and got treated to a warm bath, a lot of love, and their very own Thanksgiving feast! Now, all they need is a forever home they can truly be thankful for. This pack of pups was taken in by 2nd Chances Rescue and wonderful foster moms Andrea, Amy, and Kristi. You’ll be thankful for this downright adorable puppy feast. 🙂 If you’d like to take home one of these puppies yourself, please visit the rescue organization’s website (or donate if you can)! You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter. Read more:


She Heard Her Baby Crying In The Middle Of A Raging Flood And Stopped At Nothing To Save Her

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Over the last few months, floods have been a deadly, though common, occurrence throughout India. Already killing at least 70 people, they’ve proven deadly to man, and if it weren’t for the courage of one mother dog, several puppies would have perished, too. When floodwaters rose in Chennai, one stray dog got separated from her babies. Watch as she swims through a garbage-infested river in an effort to find and save the pups. (via Metro) Watching from above, the onlookers no doubt wished they could have helped this mom. But after she helped her first little one, they could tell she had everything under control — according to witnesses she saved three more! Read more:


Heroic Dog Risks Her Life To Save Puppies Trapped In Flood Water Under A House

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The bond between mother and child is one of the strongest things on Earth. It’s hard to put into words what this mother dog must be going through. Trapped under an Israeli building are her litter of puppies that got swept up in a sudden flood. But amazingly, she risks it all to save her little babies. Watch as the brave mom is seen frantically waiting as soldiers dig a whole under the building as her little ones cry out for help. She’s then seen rescuing one of the pups before the dramatic footage ends. The video was posted to Facebook by Israeli animal rescue group Let The Animals Live, who report that the dog was able to save seven of her 12 trapped puppies. The group is now turning to the public for help adopting them out. Read more:


These Puppies Were Abandoned And Living On The Streets Then They Were Saved

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The mother of these stray puppies left them one day in search of food. Unfortunately for the pups, she never returned. The tiny pooches had to scavenge for food and try to survive on their own. Luckily, someone from the neighborhood stepped in and fed them for a few weeks and then called the good people at Hope For Paws. When they arrived to rescue the little guys, the puppies were harder to catch than anyone could have expected. What a happy ending! And what a difference a bath and a warm bed made in their disposition. Hopefully someone will adopt them and give them all a good home. Until then, they are clearly in good hands! Read more: