My Z News

Men Rescue A Terrified Kitten With Its Head Stuck In A Glass Jar…Poor Thing

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); As the saying goes,”curiosity killed the cat,” but luckily for this feline, help was on the way. Cats in general can be quite curious creatures. Can you blame them for wanting to explore and discover new things? For this cat, though, curiosity had gotten the better of him. Our furry friend became deprived of oxygen after getting his head stuck in a small glass jar. Fortunately, two men happened to be walking by and quickly discovered the feline in need. They left to retrieve some supplies. In a matter of seconds, they were able to safely free the cat from his glass chamber. There’s nothing worse than feeling like you can’t breathe. Check out the rescue of this claustrophobic cat! Thank goodness these quick-acting men were passing by at just the right time. They’re heroes in my book. Read more:


This Little Girl Is The Only One Small Enough To Rescue Sweet Baby Ducks — Wow!

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A family was out walking one day when they came across a momma duck with just one baby. Thinking it odd to see a solo duckling, they began looking for more babies…but they were nowhere to be found! That is until they heard desperate cries for help coming from a nearby drain pipe. Down in the depths staring back up at them were multiple ducklings trapped and clinging to life. They knew they had to help, but there was just one problem…no one had skinny enough arms to reach the little guys. That was when they got some help, calling a friend’s daughter to the scene to save the day. (via LittleThings) Thanks to six-year-old Mia, all but one of the ducklings were saved. They’ll get the chance to live full and happy lives. What a wonderful little hero! Read more: