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State Troopers Hilariously Lip-Sync While Patrolling A State Fair

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); While riding around in a golf cart, patrolling the fairgrounds on the last day of the Indiana State Fair, these Indiana State Troopers decided to have some fun and make a video to celebrate the occasion. The cops went all Danny and Sandy, reminiscing about their “Summer Nights” by lip-syncing the iconic song from “Grease.” When asked about the viral video, Jonathan Amburgey said, “The State Fair is a time that we have the opportunity to interact with the public in a way that we normally don’t get to. We wanted to show people that we aren’t robots. We have a personality, we like to laugh, and most of all, we like to make other people laugh.” Well done guys. As far as laughter goes, you hit the nail on the head! Read more: