My Z News

Baby Swan Stuck In A Fence Gets Rescued, But Not Before Daddy Causes A Scene.

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Simon from the Wildlife Aid Foundation received a call about a cygnet (young swan) that found itself in a terrible predicament by getting stuck in a fence. Once near the stuck little swan, Simon had to face an angry cob (male swan) that wouldn’t let anybody near his poor baby. As he attempted to get the baby swan free, the cob kept on swiping at him with its powerful wings. Simon wouldn’t let it faze him and kindly told the angry male swan “don’t be silly” and to “stop it”. Which is just the most adorably English thing I’ve ever heard. I was half expecting him to offer the swan a cup of tea, too. (Source: Wildlife Aid) Seeing that beautiful family swim off at the end was totally worth the few bruises Simon may have received from that cob. Read more:


Getting Stuck In Trees Isn’t Just For Cats Anymore, As These Firefighters Found Out

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Firefighters are used to rescuing scared cats from tall trees, but what about dogs? When the Plattsmouth Fire Department in Nebraska got a call one night about a 120-pound dog stuck 20 feet up in a tree, they thought for sure it was a prank. They were a little bit shocked when they turned up at the scene to find Kora, a Great Dane, sitting high up in a tree, looking down at them with her big, bright eyes. After a bit of brainstorming, the team of firefighters were finally able to lower Kora from the tree using a rope, a ladder, and a police dog harness. Several feet from the ground, Kora’s weight snapped her restraints, but a few brave volunteers were there to catch her with a big tarp. Although she was a little cold after all that time in the tree, Kora wasn’t hurt and was happy to be down, running straight for the house once she was on solid ground. Hopefully, she’ll leave tree climbing to cats from now on. Read more: