My Z News

This Guy’s Just Preparing Dinner On The Stove, But Wait Until You See Who It’s For

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); I’m just going to warn you that what you’re about to see is going to leave you feeling pretty stunned. Why? Because it’s the cutest thing that’s ever happened. Although the footage begins with a man preparing some not-so-appetizing meals in his kitchen, it’s the culmination that counts, people. Whenever he goes outside with buckets in toe, he brings a little more preciousness into this world. That’s what we all need right now, isn’t it? The activist works for an organization called the Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Center in Russia, and something tells me that his job is a rewarding one. I’m pretty sure this is what happiness looks like. Rumble googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBM_BTF’); }); To see all of the life-affirming cuteness unfold, watch the video below. If you want to learn more about the organization’s rescue efforts, check this out. Read more:


Wildlife Rescuers Are Left Completely Exhausted After Rescuing An Injured Deer.

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A school in the UK alerted Simon and his fellow animal rescuers from the Wildlife Aid Foundation to help rescue a roe deer trapped in a fenced playground area. There was a lot of blood on the ground, worrying the team of a possible injury to the deer. When they finally caught the deer, they discovered running on the concrete caused him to bleed from his hooves. Luckily the little guy didn’t have any other fresh wound. They released him in a nearby field after checking him over, and Simon says the hooves won’t be any problem if the deer stays on the grass and soft ground. (Source: Wildlife Aid) The rescue completely drained all the energy out of the team. They looked exhausted at the end, but it was all worth it! Read more:


He Was Left Swimming Without A Life Jacket, But The Unlikeliest Hero Came To His Aid

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); Crows have a bit of a bum rap. Poets have famously demonized them, they wake us up at the crack of dawn after sleepless nights, and they’re tied to some seriously bizarre history. That being said, when crows are in need, we have to remember that they’re living beings just like us. While struggling to stay afloat, one unlucky crow was saved by an unlikely hero: a brown bear. Fortunately for the bird, its big protector wasn’t in the mood for wings that day. This video proves that in times of trouble, anyone can become a hero. Read more:


While Working In The Woods, This Man Suddenly Realized That He Was Being Hunted

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While the National Park Service assures us that bears have little interest in eating humans, the bear in this video is not your average beast. A man was working in a Canadian forest when he noticed a cinnamon black bear in the distance. He calmly walked to another area of the woods, but the bear eventually reappeared. That time, it was even closer As you watch the situation unfold, you have to wonder if this guy made it out in the end. It is unclear what the fate of this man was, since at least three people in the comments section claim to be his cousin. Hopefully, the account that the man made it to camp and shot the bear with his rifle is the true story. No one wants to see an animal die, but in situations like this, self-preservation often takes precedence. The National Park Service says that the best way to deal with a bear is to speak calmly and let it know that you have no intention of hurting it. If a black bear does attack, however, they urge you to fight back using any available objects, concentrating your blows on the muzzle area. Good to know. Read more:


These Kind People Would Stop At Nothing To Return A Baby Bird Back To Its Nest

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The lengths our friends at the Wildlife Aid Foundation will go to in order to save an animal in need never cease to amaze me. When a baby kestrel fell out of its nest at the top of an enormous tree, Simon and his pals had to call in a highly trained climber so that the baby bird could be returned safely to it’s treetop home. It was a dangerous challenge, but as you’ll see in the video, it was all worth it in the end. I just love seeing how much some people care about animals. So much effort for one tiny little bird, now that’s what I call dedication. Good job, guys! Read more:


He Was Attacked By A Jungle Cat And Barely Lived To Tell The (Adorable) Tale

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“I’ve never had my ear licked before by an ocelot — first time for everything,” is one of the things that actually came out of Coyote Peterson’s mouth during a real-life encounter with a young jungle cat. While roaming around in the rainforests of Costa Rica doing things that someone named Coyote Peterson would definitely do, the adventurer and his companion were stopped in their tracks by a baby ocelot with seemingly insatiable bloodlust…or a strong desire to play with some weird-looking animals. Either one. While picking up wild animals with sharp teeth is never really a good idea, there’s no harm in watching someone else do it, right? Pleasant! YouTube / Brave Wilderness You know what’s especially dumb? Playing with small predators that may have much larger moms lurking nearby. In any case, I’m glad this is a thing that really happened and I’m glad it didn’t happen to me. Read more:


Two Polar Bears Meet For The First Time And Instantly Become Best Buds

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This is the heartwarming moment when two young polar bears named Nobby and Nissan come nose-to-nose and instantly become the greatest of friends. They even cement their newly found friendship with a nice, relaxing swim. The pair live on a vast ten-acre polar reserve at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park in England, an area they share with 16-year-old Victor and three-year-old Pixel. After seeing this video you’ll think they’d been friends forever! Disney, you know what to do with this! A heartfelt story about two polar bear friends going on all types of adventures together is in order. Read more: